What did you do today?
1. Today, we read about what porcupines do in the winter. I learned that they can climb up a tree to rest and if they are too cold, they can roll up in a ball. They can also roll up in a ball in a cave or a barn. (Lucia)
2. Today, we learned how to rhyme words in French. We rimed words with "frigo". We used real words (e.g., l'eau, chapeau, manteau) and we used silly words (e.g., lo, mero, clo). (Samuella)
3. Today, we are going to the gym for "Reach for the Stars". (Avery)
4. Today, I counted the numbers on the number caterpillar in French. (Noku)
5. Today, I went to the Math Centre and I made diamonds and I asked friends which diamond they like." (Sophie)
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